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How to Make Money if You’re a Consultant or Fractional

If you're a consultant or do fractional work in go-to-market, you probably recommend products all the time. you get paid for it? If the product/service you're recommending already has an affiliate or referral partnership program, you can sign up and get paid for the recommendations you're already making.

How SoundGTM Can Help

If they don't already have a program like this, well, that's where we come in. Here are the steps you'll need to follow to get paid for your efforts:

  1. Log into SoundGTM and enroll in the SoundGTM Offer

  2. Find the partnerships person at the company you refer - you can always start with the salesperson you work with the most

  3. Once you've found the right person, get them into the SoundGTM pipeline with your custom links, either by:

    1. Sending them the demo scheduler

    2. Registering them as a lead and sending an email intro (this one tends to work better)

  4. Let SoundGTM do our magic and close the deal

What's in It for You

Once we close the deal, you'll get 40% of the platform fee, PLUS you'll be able to enroll in that company's offers so that you get paid next time you recommend them.

It's a Win-Win

Oh, and this isn't entirely self-centered on your part - it's a real PITA to set up and administer a referral program, so it's a win for them as well 🙂

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