Terms and Conditions For Companies | SoundGTM
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More pipeline.
Less headache.

Access skilled go-to-market professionals on your own terms. Only pay when you get results.


You’re facing a tough market with increasing pressure to fill the top of your sales funnel & deliver on it. Marketing budgets have been cut, traditional demand generation and business development (BDR) models aren’t delivering the juice that they used to, and you don’t even want to talk about what’s happened to your CAC payback period. 


When last year’s tactics aren’t working and the best advice you can get is "do more with less," it’s time to try something different. 

Now, you can enjoy the benefits of having people sell for you without the time and expense of building your own referral partnership network.


Enter SoundGTM.

How does it work?


Sign up

Create an account and manage permissions for your team.


Integrate your business tools

Set up integrations with your MAP, CRM, and other tools (including more than 2,000 through Zapier) to easily track referral partner actions and only pay when you’re ready.


Set up your offers

 Decide what you want (meetings, signups, closed deals) and how you'll pay for results. You can even upload ad copy, sales collateral, and other files to enable your referral partners. 


Connect with referral partners

Select the referral partners you want, or just share your offers with our marketplace and allow partners to self-select. If you don’t find the partners you want, we’ll give you a hand.

Get pipeline & revenue

Otherwise known as “the fun part.” We’ll help ensure that your referral partners know about offers and get excited to work for you.


Want more? We're all ears.

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